A picture of Mayank Arora



I have worked on some web development projects and looking for job opportunities in the same. I also have a good grasp on Computer Science Fundamentals and in Data Structures & Algorithms in C++.



As a Full Stack Software Engineer working full-time in the organized job sector, I implement full stack web development solutions in HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Node and database as per design specifications. I follow semantic HTML elements for better web accessibility, BEM CSS convention, and secure coding practices in web design. I also provide and receive detailed code reviews to improve the quality and performance of the code. I am passionate about web development and eager to contribute solutions to changing software demands. I enjoy working with different technologies and frameworks, and learning new skills and tools. I am motivated by the sense of fulfillment I get from improving the solutions one line at a time. I am looking for opportunities to apply my problem skills to create innovative and impactful web applications.



  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Javascript

  • ReactJS

  • NodeJS

  • MongoDB

  • ExpressJS

  • Git

  • Postman

  • Heroku

  • Windows

  • Microsoft Office

  • SASS

  • C++





Technologies Used: React, NodeJS, MongoDB, ExpressJS, Heroku

  • Fully responsive web application.
  • Displays all published blog posts on home page with author, date & time of blog post creation.
  • Only admin can create/update/delete any blog post with full rich text editor features.
  • Users can see all blog posts in chronological order on the home screen.
urban estate

Urban Estate

Technologies Used: PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript

  • Implemented end to end full stack Real Estate Property Listing website with admin and user dashboards.

Portfolio Template-I

Technologies Used: React, HTML, CSS, Javascript

  • Fully responsive web application using media queries.
  • Displays Home, About, Projects, Resume and Contact sections.
  • Projects section has information on technologies used and links to source code and deployed URL.
  • Contact section has github & linkedin profiles link along with link to directly open the compose email section of the site administrator's gmail account.
  • About section has links to various online programming profiles.

Portfolio Template-II

Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, Javascript

  • Fully responsive web application using media queries.
  • Displays Home, About, Projects, Resume and Contact sections.
  • Projects section has information on technologies used and links to source code, demo and deployed URL.
  • Contact section has a form backend to send submitted responses directly to the email inbox of the site administrator.
  • About section has links to various online programming profiles, resume and also linkedin profile.

Movie Reservation

Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, Javascript

  • Displays interface having seat distribution of available/occupied seats.
  • User can select/deselect seats for a movie and get the total price.
  • User can not select the seats already occupied.
  • Selected seats and total price gets updated automatically.
  • Data of occupied and selected seats for the movie and its price are stored in local storage which does not get erased on page refresh.
  • Data of occupied and selected seats for the movie and its price is deleted permanently on erasing the local cache memory of the page.
lorem ipsum

Form Checker

Technologies Used: , HTML, CSS, Javascript

  • Shows error message when size of username does not match the range specified.
  • Uses regex for email template checking.
  • Verifies password by asking user to enter password twice.
  • Passes all inputs in the form of an array to check if any field has been left blank.


Get in Touch

Contact Form